January 09, 2020
It looks like Sony is finally catching up to us at Evil Controllers, as the company is launching a new adapter for their DualShock 4 controller that gives the device rear paddles.
The new device is called the Back Button Attachment and will feature a puck style device that plugs into the underside of the DualShock 4, putting backpedals on the back. The puck will have an OLED screen attached to it, which will allow users to program what button they want to attach to the paddles. This will give players the chance to have faster response times for firing, accelerating, or performing any type of action they want in-games.
The device appears to be an option for those that want to add some functionality to the DS4 without taking the big leap into controller mods. Of course, we’re a bit biased, but we prefer our Shift Controllers, which allow for much more customization, including hairpin triggers, larger thumbsticks, and better overall
September 10, 2016
A Major PlayStation 4 system update has just launched and should be rolling out to all regions that support the PS4 as we speak. The new PS4 update brings a number of changes to the user interface that many PlayStation owners will be happy to find out about.
Firstly, a more refined experience has been added to the main UI with thanks to new system backgrounds, updated system icons and revised pop up notifications and drop down menus to make it easier to navigate through everything.
Another great change is the adjustments made to the Quick Menu. The new Quick Menu will now no longer take up the entirety of the screen, which means you can still pay attention to what's happening in your game or on your PS4 system and still access the Quick Menu at the same time.
The Quick Menu also has an improved music player app - you can now quickly skip songs and change music via the USB music player or Spotify app. Sony has also attempted to make it so that the Quick Menu options
August 25, 2016
As you may know already, Sony is slowly gearing up to release the PS4 Slim as a new alternative to their current game console. As the name of the console suggests, the PS4 Slim will be a smaller, more lightweight version of the original PlayStation 4. This is a move that Sony has made plenty of times in the past with all of their consoles. In fact, Sony even released a PlayStation One slim, and have been doing so with their main game consoles ever since.
Because of this, it's no surprise that a PlayStation 4 Slim is on it's way. However, the surprising part is that a newly reworked DualShock 4 controller may be released alongside the PS4 Slim.
According to rumors, the new controller will have a change to the lightbar. The lightbar is used to signify each player for split-screen games. Each player is given a different color. Players can also change their own color for their profile so that players know that they are signed into their own account when playing on their own.
July 08, 2013
If you don't want to spend extra money on a headset after buying the Xbox One, you'll be happy to know that the Kinect will also back up as an alternative to the microphone/headset.
There's no official word on the quality of the Kinect microphone, and you'll have to listen to players through your TV unless you have a pair of compatible headphones when using the Kinect for voice chat.
The Kinect does include a 'wide array' of microphones though, so it'd be surprising if the call quality received from the Kinect was poor.
The official Xbox One is always up for grabs for those that don't like the openness of the Kinect microphone and TV speaker combo, and there are also many alternatives for better audio quality including headset models from Turtle Beach specifically designed for the Xbox One.
December 19, 2012
Gears and Metal Gear at VGAs
Although there has been little information regarding new game releases at the VGAs, there were a few announcements, including some new trailers and information on Gears of War Judgement, and a possible new Metal Gear Solid game.
The new Gears of War judgement trailer showed at VGA doesn't really give us any further insight into the story that takes place before Gears of War 1, but instead shows us some fast-paced action scenes that we have expected from previous GoW games.
If you're a fan of the Gears of War series then Judgment won't disappoint you, but to those without any experience playing any Gears of War titles, the new Judgment probably
October 12, 2012
Halo 4 Editions and Exclusives
Haven't pre-ordered Halo 4 yet? Good. Read this post to make sure you get the most out of the content within game, and help yourself save some bucks in the future too. Don't forget that subscribing to our newsletter gives you a chance to win an official Halo 4 console with official Halo 4 Controllers.
There are three main releases for Halo 4 and for all you diehard fans, no, unfortunately there isn't a humongous legendary crate of Halo goodies like previous games, but there are plenty of extras included both in-game and out of game bundled with each edition.
Halo 4 Standard
October 11, 2012
Dead Space 3 Info
Recent gameplay footage of Dead Space 3 has been released by Visceral Games, the team behind the Dead Space series, and it's looking to be the most exhilarating gameplay footage yet. The developers have managed to capture amazing scenes within a dark abandoned spaceship, relying on the weak light emitting from Isaac's suit and the inconsistent eerie background noises to create an atmosphere that's bound to get you on the edge of your seat.
The realistic body animations and interactions within the hazardous ship innards make it feel more than a video game, putting you right into an experience equivalent to a bid-budget horror movie. For the
October 08, 2012
Dust 514 Info
"The Biggest multiplayer FPS on the market" is not a claim to make lightly, but CCP, the developers of the popular MMO Eve, believe this is so.
The game will be the first large scale PlayStation exclusive that will not include a physical CD, making the game only available to download off of the PSN store. Dust 514 is expected for release later this year, but what will the game actually include?
The Dust 514 team has worked very hard alongside those at CCP to create a multiplayer console experience that interacts with CCP's space combat MMO. The firefights that Dust 514 players experience will help Eve players to capture territory and planets in the
October 07, 2012
Assassin's Creed 3 Info
We all know the basis of Assassins Creed, and as the franchise grows, the same features we've seen in every game will come back again and again, but what will make the 5th game in the series any different, and what will give us enough excitement to follow the story even further?
The combat mechanics in the new game aren't going to change much from its predecessors, which makes sense since the controls have been smooth enough since the beginning, but as Assassins Creed 3 is set a little closer to home in regards to history, we'll often come across many weapons in the game that require a little change of tactics,
December 28, 2011
3DS Owners! Want the Second 3DS Pad? It's Only at Gamestop.
So if you're a 3DS owner, you've heard about the new add-on for Nintendo's portable console, the Circle Pad Pro. The Circle Pad Pro, a $20 add-on will add a right analog stick and two more shoulder buttons, will only be sold at Gamestop, according to Kotaku.
So you'll only be able to get this peripheral via your local Gamestop or through their website. Which I think from a gamer's standpoint to be exclusively stupid and inane. I was born and raisedin middle of nowhere