Statistics Show a Difference of DLC Buying Between Gears of War and Other Games

It is only less than two weeks away until Gears of War 3 is released to the general public. And in the three years since Gears of War 2, it seems according to certain polls and statistics that "added value" is in the minds of those at Epic Games.

With Gears of War 3 promoting a Season Pass so that gamers can save around 33% on future DLC for the game, some have to ask how popular has DLC for the series been?

As noted in the linked above, MCV has compiled a report with information from GameVision. They made the report from information where they asked nearly 7000gamers about Gears of War experience.

GameVision asked players of Gears of War what additional DLC they have bought and used in the past. Around four percent downloaded free content, one percent paid to unlock access content with a used copy of a game (like the Flashback map pack that came free with Gears of War 2), and five percent paid to download additional content, which is nearly double the volume of those who would pay for DLC on an average game.

All in all what does this mean? It means while people don't have much of the effort to get the free content or unlock access to "buying new" content like the Flashback map pack, they are twice as likely than the average gamer to unlock the additional packs and larger items in the Gears of War series.

These are very interesting statistics. Maybe it shows that Gears fans are more enthused about the bigger content than sweating the small stuff. Which is good when you look at it in the long run.