
Daigo has taken a win against Phenom in the Capcom Pro Tour European Regional finals to land himself a spot in the Capcom Cup Finals.

The European Regional was a delight to watch and we saw a variety of players battle it out, some known, some unknown. However, it was all left down to the grand final of the event, where the winning player would be granted an invitation into the upcoming Capcom Cup Finals.

Daigo unsurprisingly had a great performance throughout the entirety of the European Regional, but so did Phenom, which made for an interesting grand finals match-up. In fact, both players managed to make their way to the Winner's Finals, but Daigo managed to push Phenom into the loser's bracket. Phenom quickly fought it out against Bonchan in the loser's finals in an 3-0 impressive fashion to bring him back into the grand finals.

To begin with, Phenom's quick win in the loser's finals gave him the momentum he needed to take the first match against Daigo in the grand finals. However, things quickly changed from here. Following Phenom's first victory, Daigo managed to hit out a quick consecutive three wins against Phenom.

It wasn't a surprise to see the legendary Daigo take the win at the European Regional finals - we'll be seeing him at the Capcom Cup finals, along with some of the other top tier players in Anaheim on December 3. Make sure to check back here before then for more details on the event.