Rising Gas Prices & Rising DLC content prices.

So on the third of May, Treyarch will bereleasingthe "Escalation" map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops. Like the First Strike DLC pack, it will cost you around $15.00 (that's about 1200 Microsoft Points).

When the First Strike DLC content came out, a large number of people complained about it being too high of a price for a few maps and a number of those who did buy the pack complained that they didn't get their $15.00 worth with the content given to them. With Escalation map pack coming out with the same price and just giving us new maps (no additional story to the single player campaign) this blogger wonders if we might see the same complaints from the general gaming public. In my opinion, maybe or maybe not.

All of this complaining about the rising price of downloadable content patches reminds me of the ongoing gasoline and oil prices we are experiencing here in America and the rest of the world. When prices go up at anoticeable rate or trend, people are likely to voice their opinions loudly about it.

In the eyes of a driver, gasoline for a car is necessity to get from point A to point B. They will complain about the rising prices and make adjustments in their life to combat the dent in their bank accounts the prices are doing to them, but eventually they'll have to buy gas once in a while.

Therefore, in the eyes of a gamer, DLC content is somewhat of a necessity if they are really into the game. If they are your average gamer like Joe Sweatsock, it is really likely they aren't going to buy the content for the fifteen dollars and complain about its price to content ratio. However, they might buy the DLC if the price is slashed in the future. If the gamer is a hardcore gamer, professional gamer, or a gamer that plays only "that game", the DLC is a mandatory necessity to them. So like gasoline to the driver who commutes to work, so is DLC content to the specified gamer and will very likely hand over the cash/Microsoft points for it.

So really, it is a case by case basis.

I would like to point out one thing though. I remembered a few years ago when Halo 2 was out, Bungie released a map pack disc to download onto your Xbox. The cost of the disc to download them was around twenty dollars. Now when you think about it, fifteen dollars today seems small in comparison to the twenty dollars we gave for the Halo 2 maps.

Anyway, this is something you should discuss with your fellow gamers. There seems be a lot things to think about when comparing rising prices of oil to rising prices of DLC content.