Evil Controllers: The Ultimate Gaming Controller
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Evil Controllers: The Ultimate Gaming Controller
Evil Controllers is the industry leader of modified Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 controllers:
Evil Controllers is the industry leader of modified Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 controllers: Most aftermarket modified controller companies have ignited and slowly faded from the industry in the last 5 years. Evil Controllers on the other hand has survived after creating the industry and has grown tremendously as a result of consumer feedback and word of mouth marketing.
Evil Controllers is now here on KickStarter because Evil has the concept for the greatest Xbox 360 Controller. The improved controller is more comfortable and capable of holding a longer charge. It won't require the user to purchase AA batteries and can be charged via USB.
The controller will continue to use Microsoft's patented technology on the inside, but with a newly designed back plate that is easy to install and comes with a rechargeable lithium ion battery. The new back plate is also compatible with Play N Charge cords.
What Makes the Back Plate Special?
-More comfortable design. (Yet maintains the feel that you are used to.)
-Increased battery life.
-Saves you money as it doesn't require AA batteries.
-Lighter weight.
-Easy to install.
What makes the Evil Back Plate Special is all of those reasons, but there's also an underlying message if this project succeeds. That message is -Gamers Notice.
Gamers are smart consumers, they notice when large companies could have spent a little more money to make a better design. Gamers deserve the most comfortable experience when playing their favorite games and our back plate delivers that experience. With the Evil Back Plate you can expect well over 10 hours of straight gaming between each full charge.
Who is Evil Controllers?
Evil Controllers modifies official Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 controllers to deliver enhanced enjoyment by fulfilling the requests that gamers make. These enhancements can range from game specific modifications like Rapid Fire in first person shooters or Auto Spotting your targets in Battlefield 3, to accessible gaming modifications.
Partnered with The AbleGamers Foundation, a foundation dedicated to bringing mainstream gaming to everyone. Evil Controllers fulfills hundreds of requests for custom accessible controllers and has designed controllers for one handed veterans, children with muscular dystrophy and for quadriplegic gamers.
When it comes to gaming controllers you don't have to look further for a more qualified expert.
The Design: The Controller You Deserve
Maintaining the familiar feel of the 360 controller was essential during the product mock ups. The new back plate's design includes the following features:
-Familiar Xbox 360 Controller Ergonomic Feel
-Reduced Weight
-Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery. (Holds over 10 hours of game time.)
-Kill Switch (To disable your controller if it gets turned on by accident.)
-Air flow Vents (To ensure your battery lasts a lifetime.)
-6 ft mini USB Cable (To charge your controller.)
-Maintains Play N' Charge Compatibility (Charge with a Play n' Charge cord.)
What do you get?
You receive a brand new controller that has a superior design to what is currently available. If you love your current controller or just purchased a brand new controller and aren't quite ready to invest in an entirely new controller, then you can still pledge to pre-order our back plate DIY Kit. The DIY Kit will not require soldering and will have an easy installation. Simply unscrew the original back plate off of your controller and screw on the new one with the lithium ion battery laid into place.
What you get will be dependent on how much you pledge, but once the project is backed and our pledge rewards have been distributed to all of the pledgers we plan to offer the back plate in 2 different ways.
Method 1 will include a back plate pre-installed on a brand new Microsoft Controller packed with a six foot USB cable that can be plugged into your Xbox or PC/Mac for easy charging.
Method 2 will include the back plate, a T8 Security Tool, the six foot USB cable, the Lithium Ion Battery and a set of instruction to help you install the Evil Back Plate on to your own controller without needing to purchase a brand new controller.
Why KickStarter?
Without Kickstarter, this product could be left to the way side. With all new consoles potentially being released in the next few years this becomes a concept that needs to be proven before it gets released. Depending on the number of pledges and essentially the number of pre-orders we receive will determine whether this is a venture worth pursuing. With new consoles on the way, this is a project that Evil Controllers can't afford to lose money on. The transition to new hardware is just around the corner. So we need your help!
We believe the Evil Back Plate is a piece of gaming hardware that each Xbox 360 household will want to have in their home and by offering gamers the opportunity to get on board via KickStarter the louder the message will be to the larger companies. These companies are about to sign off on the designs for their next gen hardware. Let's make sure they have gamers in mind.
So what's the schedule after a successful campaign?
Week 1:Once Funds have been dispersed (2-3 weeks after Campaign)
Send out thank-yous to all of our pledgers. Give our manufacturers the 'okay' to begin production. (Production will take 3-4 weeks)
Week 2:Begin devising marketing material and instructional information. Send out pledge rewards that don't include a pre-order.
Week 3:Release marketing materials, press materials and create buzz for the product's official release.
Week 4 and 5:Fulfill pre-orders.Receive feedback and feature pledgers on our facebook with their new back plates.
Week 6 and 7:Make our back plate available to our fans
Reward Details
Everyone that pledges $50 or more will be featured on our facebook page once they have submitted an appropriate picture of themselves with their new controller.
Pledge $80 or more and you pre-order 1 Evil Controller with our Evil D-Pad, Evil Back Plate and our Evil Sticks. To follow with Kickstarter policies on 'design' projects no pledge reward will grant you more than 1 back plate pre-order, however you can still pledge more money to save big on fully custom xbox 360 controllers.

Stretch Goals
15,000 - Will fund the project
25,000 - New Color Options Added: Microsoft's Red and Microsoft's Blue to match the colors of the original red and blue Xbox 360 Controllers that have been released in previous years.

35,000 - Everyone that pre-orders will be receiving additional Evil Controllers merchandise. These goodie bags will be given out to every pledger that pre-ordered with $20 worth of Evil Controllers Merchandise. This can include: T-Shirts, Hats, Keychains, dogtags, Evil Stickers and more. By representing Evil Controllers you can also represent your contribution to the industry.
Our greatest challenge will be ensuring the design is exactly as we promise it and that the final design is exceptionally easy for anyone to install. No soldering is required and anyone will be able to install it with ease. Our current prototype can achieve everything shown in our video, but could use some additional tightening on the design to ensure easier installation. We believe this product is something that all Xbox 360 owners will want to have in their home.
We can overcome this challenge with the experience we have. We have already designed a front plate that is easy to install on Microsoft Xbox 360 controllers and we are familiar with the processes involved with production. By securing the funds required for the project not only can we afford a full run of Evil Back Plates, but it will also indicate support and interest. This means that even if 'worst case' scenarios arise we could afford to front the payment on additional costs without necessarily hurting Evil Controllers.
Ultimately the project is to provide gamers with the controller they should have received initially with their Xbox 360.
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- Planet Coaster (1)
- Borderlands 2 (1)
- DOOM Eternal (1)
- Days Gone (2)
- DIsco Elysium (2)
- Pokemon: GO (1)
- Pokémon Legends: Arceus (1)
- Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (1)
- Pokémon Unite (1)
- Pokémon Cafe Remix (1)
- Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet (2)
- Elder Scrolls (1)
- Far Cry 3 (1)
- Mass Effect 3 (1)
- House Flipper (1)
- Wordle (1)
- Flight Simulator (1)
- Returnal (1)
- Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection (1)
- Curse Of the Dead Gods (1)
- Tribes of Midgard (1)
- Evil Dead (2)
- Sniper Elite 5 (2)
- Pac Man Museum (1)
- Biomutant (1)
- Warhammer age of Sigmar (1)
- WWE 2k22 (1)
- Last of Us Part 1 (1)
- Spider-Man 2 (2)
- Ghost of Tsushima (2)
- PS5 Custom Controller (80)
- Fifa 23 (1)
- GTA Definitive Edition (1)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (3)
- Gotham Knights (1)
- Pokemon Scarlet & Violet (1)
- Overwatch 2 (3)
- World Of Warcraft dragonflight (1)
- The Devil In Me (1)
- Sony Santa Monica (1)
- Harvestella (1)
- RPG (1)
- Diablo IV (3)
- Calisto protocol (1)
- Final Fantasy 16 (3)
- Final Fantasy XVI (2)
- Unreal Engine 5 (1)
- PC (20)
- Hades II (1)
- Modern Warfare II (1)
- DualSense Edge (1)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (1)
- Divinity: Original Sin II (1)
- Forspoken (1)
- NFS (1)
- Need For Speed Unbound (1)
- Warzone 2 (1)
- Resident Evil 4 (1)
- Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty (1)
- Valheim (1)
- WWE 2k23 (1)
- System Shock (1)
- CS: GO 2 (3)
- Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (3)
- The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (2)
- Crash Team Rumble (1)
- Warhammer 40k (1)
- The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum (1)
- Street Fighter 6 (1)
- Diablo II: Resurrected (1)
- Final Fantasy VII (1)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1)
- Indiana Jones video game (1)
- Avowed (2)
- Human Farm (1)
- Persona 3 Reload (1)
- Towers of Aghasba (1)
- Greedfall 2 (1)
- A Plague Tale: Requiem (1)
- Duke Nukem Foreve (1)
- Star Wars: Battlefront II (1)
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 (1)
- The Crew Motorfest (1)
- Super Bomberman R 2 (1)
- Lies of P (1)
- XAC (2)
- PlayStation Access Controller (2)
- Xbox Adaptive Controller (1)
- Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO (1)