Industry News - Game Law has no interest to the California Courts

There was little interest on November 2nd's presentation of a California law banning the sale of violent video games to minors. The law has already been made invalidated by lower federal courts and justices appear to follow its steps.

The hour long debate took a look at the sale/rental of video games that "appeal to a deviant or morbid interest of minors". Critics of the law like those of the trade association representing video game industry, believe its too broad of a law and violates First Amendment speech protections.


The backers of the law written and proposed by Democrat Senator Leland Yee of San Francisco stated that the games are no less harmful to the development of minors.

The contention didn't sit well with the justices. Justice Andrew Kennedy said that the state with their law is "almost asking for the court to create a new area of the First Amendment restriction with no consensus" and that the law is very vague. Justice Sotomayor added in "Can the legislature regulate Bugs Bunny?" before going on that they could speculate on the possibility of cracking down on rap music. Justice Antonin Scalia proposed "What's the difference between deviant violence and normal violence" before he express fear the law would inhibit video game creators from developing new games out of fear of the government taking strict action.

While the law's fate is not determined, it appears that its not as clear as if the court will issue a ruling. At least three justices seemed open if California or another state could write a narrower law. A decision isn't expected for at least another year.

~Written by Geroncio Copiozo "€œ Conservative Political Pundit and Marathon gunner on MW2