Leaked Images Confirm the Next Assassin's Creed Setting

According this article on Kotaku, and this one as well, it seems that the fan-driven debate on where the next Assassin's Creed game could be over. After the sequel and Revelations, fans began debating exactly where the next Assassin's Creed game would take place when and where. Some debated that it would be Tsar Empire vs People's Revolution in Russia, others believed it would be in Japan during its embrace of western technology, while others believed it was to take place during the American Revolution.

Well it seems that the leaked images from the links above all but confirmed that the next Assassin's Creed will take place during the American Revolution. With a picture from an anonymous Best Buy employee leaking promotional material and a GameInformer magazine leak, it seems we will be continuing our acrobatic assassinations with the aid of George Washington and the revolutionaries during the colonial era of America.

UPDATE: It has now been officially confirmed. The game will now take place during the American Revolution.
