The Psychology of Gaming Addiction

Most people these days have access to multiple devices with screens, such as their laptop, PC, smartphone tablet and what not. This of course, increases their screen time significantly especially when you consider that they might be spending hours in front of the television too. Spending an excessive amount in front of the screen can result in addiction in children and adults and it is important to recognize what causes it and address it.

Gaming, whether online or offline, can be definitely addicting causing you to spend hours in front of your screen like it’s nothing. This piece will give you a look into the psychology of gaming addiction, helping you become aware of certain patterns and potentially steer clear from them.

What do Experts think About Gaming Addiction?

There have been several debates about whether gaming can even be an addiction like alcohol or drug addiction. With time, however, more and more experts are realizing that disordered gaming behavior can truly be a problem, which is why the World Health Organization now recognizes gaming addiction as a mental condition.

People who are unable to control their gaming behavior and spend countless hours in front of their screens are encouraged to seek advice from mental health experts as it could affect them in multiple areas of their lives. Believe it or not, gaming addiction even holds some people back from forming basic personal relations, becoming an obstacle in their personal and professional growth.

Some of the common symptoms of gaming addiction include:

  • Careless spending behaviors
  • Sadness
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Lengthy gaming sessions that get in the way of everyday tasks
  • Inability to follow a controlled schedule

If you notice these symptoms in yourself or someone you know, it would be advisable to seek help before the addiction gets worse.

Why People Become Addicted to Video Games

At its core, addiction is when a person cannot control their behavior or using certain substances, ignoring the negative outcomes they could experience. Anybody who ignores their day to day activities like work, study, eating, exercising etc. and spend most of their time playing games can be described as addicts.

Now, you might be wondering why this happens. Well, your brain has a reward center that releases a chemical called dopamine after you have any experience that gives you pleasure, something that often happens when playing video games. If you experience hyperaroused during your gaming sessions, then there is a huge likelihood that your brain will associate this with dopamine, making you want to seek out the same experience repeatedly.

Dopamine plays a huge role in keeping you focused on certain activities like gaming, which is a major reason why a lot of people struggle to change their behavior even after multiple attempts. Essentially, the more time you spend playing video games, the more motivated you will be to play them even more. This results in a vicious cycle that could affect your mental and physical health in the long term.

Why Video Game Addiction Should be Taken Seriously

While experts are still researching video game addiction, they have been able to pinpoint certain factors that could make some people more susceptible to developing this problem. Anxiety, low self control and impulsive behaviors are some common psychological factors linked to video game addictions. Does that mean you should stop playing video games altogether? Well, answers like these are best left to the pros.

That being said, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and game responsibly to avoid becoming addicted. Taking regular breaks and talking to professionals also helps you develop a balanced schedule where you can game responsibly, excel at your job, studies and other areas of your life. Taking care of your physical health by exercising regularly can also help you spend time away from the screen, making sure that your gaming sessions feel fresh and exciting.