Playstation 4 (4) 3.5mm Reassignable Jacks

Special Price $89.98 Regular Price $179.95
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This is a modified Playstation 4 Controller with an attached external housing with (4) 3.5mm jacks. Each one is fully reprogrammable to any input on the controller and is designed to be used with additional external switches. By having 4 jacks on the housing, the user can still operate the controller as normal, while also utilizing up to 4 switches. This is ideal for gamers with limited mobility challenges.


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Who benefits from this design?

Any gamer with limited mobility. For example, oftentimes gamers can hold the controller and use the primary buttons like the DPAD or action buttons, but they are unable to operate the triggers/shoulders easily on the topside of the controller. With this device, you can plug up 4 switches into the housing, which can be programmed to any function. In this instance, one could program them for the right trigger, right shoulder, left trigger, and left shoulder. This would allow the gamer to use the controller as intended, while also being able to access 4 additional switches to operate the otherwise inaccessible inputs.

Details of the modifications

Housing with (4) 3.5mm Jacks

  • The housing contains 4 jacks that are connected to the controller. It has a 12” (30cm) cable connected to the controller so that it doesn’t interfere with gameplay.

Fully reassignable

  • These 4 jacks allow any type of switch to be plugged in and programmed to the ideal input. This can be done rather easily by holding the switch and the desired input for 3 seconds, which assigns the input to that switch. Once assigned, the specific jack will stay this input until reassigned to another function.

4 Switches can be added

  • Switches refer to actual buttons that can be added to the controller. For example, one gamer may have limited movement of their head but good range of motion with their feet. This gamer could place 4 switches on the floor (or any arrangement that makes sense for their range of motion), then they can operate the controller with their hands while their feet operate the 4 inputs that they can’t access with their hands (i.e. the topside inputs of the controller).

  • Switches are not included and generally gamers have them already, but don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance if you need switches for this device.

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